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The Threefold Perfect Form of the Harmony
The Symbolic Value of the Musical Motif
The musical motif symbolizes an individual human being and also embodies a specific outstanding quality.
When the motif unfolds towards the melody, that one specific individual trait of character unfolds into the multiplicity of many traits first into closely related qualities, then into less related, and eventually into even opposing qualities.
The Individual Life Path in the Musical Form
This individual unfoldment of the qualities of the character, which according to their nature fill the spatial dimension of music, takes place in time, and this expansion in time we call “the life-path of the individual”, and it is represented in music by the development of the melody.
The Inner Rules for the Unfoldment of the Motif
As if guided by the potential of the clan, and embedded into the laws of the clan, the motif unfolds into the melody under the auspices of the sequence, the eldest member of the clan.
The sequence-technique here represents the inner rules according to which the clan lives.
The Comprehensive Source of Power in Music
The power of the clan, i. e. the sequence, in turn is held together by the harmony which represents the comprehensive source of power for the clan. And the rules of the clan, as reflected in the harmony-technique, are the primordial ground from which the sequence-technique, too, borrows its laws.
The Great Soul of the Musical Creation
By means of the harmony-technique, the applied harmony-technique, the sequence, the sequence-technique, the applied sequence-technique, to the motif, the motif-technique, and the applied motif-technique, the harmony as the great soul of the musical creation in the subjective sphere of music determines from within the entire musical process, including the outer world of the musical sound-space, the objective sphere of music: the world of our thinking.
The harmony here presents itself in its threefold perfect form:
In the all-connecting form of harmony itself: in the form of the inner universality: the beauty of music: expression of the cosmic harmony laws;
then, through the harmony-technique the application of the cosmic universal laws it manifests in the form of its inner power: expressed in the natural, motherly rule of the sequence: of the cosmic social laws,
and finally, through the applied harmony-technique the application of the cosmic laws of individuality it unfolds in the form of the creative multiplicity of motifs.