Sweking Pharmacutical Corporation
Chief Executive Officer
Current Acitivities
Taiwan & Mainland China
Medical Acitivities:
Concerning western medicine, we work with City
Hospital and the first press conference regarding the clinical results
was just conducted on April 26, 2001.
There will be 3 hospitals, one in Taipei and two in Taichung, which
will have Medical Resonance Therapy Music clinics within the next
3 month. At the end of next year, there will be 15 hospitals all over
the island having such clinics. We are training medical doctors and
nurses for those hospitals now. For those MRT-Music clinics, we will
focus on Cancer, ADHD, Autism and Schizophrenia this year.
For the cancer treatment, we work with Harvard and Mainland China.
For the ADHD and Autism, we work with pre-school & school teachers.